More Words Most People Spell Wrong
More Words Most People Spell Wrong
Words people spell wrong part 2! This list is quite endless but let's add a few more to it for now. Find out if you know how to spell these correctly!
1. Acommodate or Accommodate?
We all do misspell it a lot. Either with a single c or a double m, we somehow always manage to get it wrong. Remember it the simpler way, double c double m, accommodate.
2. Attach or Attatch?
This one might not be as commonly written with incorrect spelling but certainly leads to a heated up discussion about whether the T exists or not. It doesn't! It's simply attach. Don't get the emails and letters messed up next time!
3. Wierd or Weird?
You might thinks kids make such a mistake! But it's way more common than we actually think. Check back on your works you might see you've messed up this one. It's weird.
4. Millennium or Milenium?
Well, the Millennial generation seems to have quite a big heart and decides to keep both, the double L and the double N. So it's Millennium.
5. Caribbean or Carribean?
Aye! Ye not know how to spell this? It's Pirates of the Caribbean! Err!!
6. Harass or Harrass?
This so accusing word, leaving many people terrified, is spelled as Harass. Complain wisely!
7. Maintainence or Maintainance?
Maintain your brain! We always land up misspelling this! Get it into your Grey matter, it's maintenance, with an A.
8. Occurred or Ocurred?
When writing in a flow, we do use the incorrect spellings.. So I've got you an excuse, but this is only till now when you know it's occurred.
This was another list of Words Most People Spell Wrong. Hope you got most of them correct. If not, no worries, there's always room for improvement! Work hard and memorise these by heart, to avoid...(embarrassment or embarrasment??) ... Of course you knew it... Embarrassment!
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