7 Crazy Facts To Blow Your Mind Away

7 Crazy Facts To Blow Your Mind Away! 

Here's a list of some mind - boggling facts that will make you say, 'I never knew that!' 
Let's get started! 
  1. The national animal of Scotland is the Unicorn.
Well I guess they still live in fairytales... Do you? 

2.  The surface area of Russia is larger than that of Pluto's. 

Poor Pluto, not even a planet anymore and beat by Russia in terms of area! 

3.  Carrots were originally purple. 

The orange carrot your mom tells you to eat, used to be purple... Maybe kids would like it more if it was purple? 

4.  Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830's.

No wonder people still don't like it...

5.  Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.

Now don't ask me how do they do that...

6.  Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday. 

Well, we got another reason to hate Mondays!

7.   A crocodile can't poke its tongue out.

But, I still advise you to think twice before teasing him!

So this was a list of Top 7 Facts that you might not have known.Or maybe you did? Share some more intersting facts in the comments!


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